✨Considering the Heavens✨
​When I CONSIDER THE HEAVENS, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place… What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4
Dr. Doula believes that Creator speaks to us through all of creation. She helps create SACRED SPACES, where you can get to know THE MESSAGES FROM CREATOR placed IN THE HEAVENS just FOR YOU on THE DAY YOU WERE BORN, to help you REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
LEARN BIRTH and CONNECT with Dr. Doula
"In my family, I am a part of the first generation born in a hospital. My mother and the mothers before her were born at home, surrounded and supported by family. In fact, it was my Mom who told me, 'Don’t worry, Anny... when you are ready to have a baby, I will teach you everything you need to know...' It is in that spirit that my mother desired to share with me that I seek to share with you. People of African descent have always needed to be equipped to HELP themselves, HEAL themselves, and SAVE themselves. Make sure you KNOW THE BASICS about sustainable ways of caring for women during the childbearing year." ~Dr. Doula
Sankofa Birth
Ambassador Mentoring
Sankofa Birth Ambassadors function as birth and postpartum support, advocate within their communities, and provide assistance to family and friends; while emphasizing connectedness to indigenous cultures and contexts, while navigating challenges of modern birth culture.