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Find out what POWER COUPLE Style best suits you with this quick, simple quiz!

Are you traditional, non-traditional, or a mixture of the two? Could the man cook the meals? Should the woman be the primary caretaker of children? Could she make more money than the man or be the primary bread winner for the household? Is it important that decisions be made together? Take the quiz below, then find out how your preferences may affect your relationships.

You can use the PC Quiz in several ways to empower your romantic partnerships.


When you take the quiz FOR YOU, you can use the results:

  • to understand your preferences

  • to ask questions of individuals before you commit to relationship

When you take the quiz with YOUR PARTNER in mind, you can use the results:

  • to show your partner how you perceive his/her preferences to be

  • to encourage discussions that can help you and your partner see differences and find common ground

When you encourage others to take the quiz, you can use the results:

  • to learn more about potential partner's preferences

  • to compare the differences you and your partner hold

  • to encourage discussions that can help you and your partner see differences and find common ground

The quiz should take between 5 -7 minutes to complete.


Note: Don't worry if your responses are different than what you are experiencing in your current relationship. Answer as quickly as you can based on your gut feeling about each statement.

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