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CLASSIC Archetype

WBL Classic Power Couple

Man and woman innately created with certain characteristics to fulfill predetermined roles


Husband makes decisions, man holds economic responsibility for the household, man focuses outside the home; wife is in charge of domestic affairs (household and children)


Man is the head where headship means leader, commander, or supervisor, the one who is “in charge”; the woman serves as a helper of his vision 


Hierarchical leadership is pre-established and there are fixed gender roles, when both spouses willingly accept roles, conflict about gender roles is reduced


Man or woman may not naturally fit or be equipped to fulfill the traditional expectations of the gender roles

Be mindful of very traditional expectations for men and women in relationships. The benefit of the CLASSIC Power Couple Style is that, when both partners willingly accept roles, conflict about marital roles and responsibilities is reduced. The challenge is that the man and woman may not naturally fit or be equipped to fulfill traditional expectations and gender roles.


If you are single, take time now to fully understand why traditional values are important to you and be willing to be open with future partners about the type of partnership you desire. While it may seem easier to function in traditional roles, it will be important to make sure that your future partner agrees with your convictions.


If you are dating, invite your partner to take the Power Couple Quiz! Make time to discuss what individual roles you consider to be important in a committed relationship. It is beneficial in the dating stage to grasp an understanding of individual and collective expectations each partner has for one another. Figure out whether you share traditional expectations with the person you are dating before you become more committed in your relationship. Consider whether you are both willing and able to fulfill traditional roles in a deeper relationship, and whether adjustments may need to be made to fit together well in a committed relationship.


Be mindful of very traditional expectations for men and women in relationships. The benefit of the CLASSIC Power Couple Style is that, when both partners willingly accept roles, conflict about marital roles and responsibilities is reduced. The challenge is that the man and woman may not naturally fit or be equipped to fulfill traditional expectations and gender roles.

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Disclaimer: The advice and mentoring received in the Relationship Strategy Sessions with Eugene Mason III, MBA and Andrea Little Mason, Ed.D. are intended for educational purposes services and are not considered a substitute for seeking mental health care. It is not intended to provide diagnoses, treatments, or cures for mental health conditions. Eugene and Andrea Mason do not guarantee specific outcomes based on the use or application of strategies found in the resources made available on the We Build Legacy website. Resources on the We Build Legacy website (i.e. blog posts, ebooklets, articles, videos, audios, session guides, music, etc.) are for use as self-help tools and do not serve as a replacement for a mental health consultation by a licensed professional.

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